Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Hey there guys, today I'm here to write about my favourite moment of the year, that was at school. I've had a lot of good moments at school for this year, but my favourite moment of the year has to be EOTC week.

EOTC week (for people who don't know) is a week when year 7's from the school I go to get to do these cool activities for five days. Some of the activities include indoor rock climbing, going to El Rancho camp, going to Te Papa, Climbing up a mountain and other cool stuff. The most favourite thing I think we did that week was going to El Rancho camp. Some things we did there included: indoor rock climbing, tubing, and archery.  

My favourite previous big day out would have to be last years one when we went to Jungle-Rama and played indoor sports. But that's all I remember about last years big day out.

I think next years big day out will be at Zealandia because that's pretty much where we go all the time except maybe twice or thrice.

Any way that's all I got for now. Bye Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!