Sunday, April 3, 2016


Hey guys, I'm back again to write about what I have learned this term. 

1. The first thing I want to write about that I learned is something to do with spanish. I didn't know much spanish at all before I started learning it. I didn't know that Spanish words - like apple - had to be separated into male and female classes. The thing that helped me learn this is a language site called duolingo. 

2. The physical thing I learned this term was when I went to camp. I learned how to tie a few knots like the 8 on a bite. I only learned how to make them because my instructor kept on telling me how to tie it over and over again, and also because I kept on doing over and over again because I kept on failing.

3. The social thing I learned was also at camp. When my group were doing a activity where we had to communicate, I gave my idea and people listened and we solved the activity. And I learned that I don't have to stay quiet the whole time. I think I learned this because our instructor told us to contribute while we were doing the activity.

I think the best way to not forget these things is to keep on doing them and practicing them.

Thats all I got for now. Byeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!