Monday, May 30, 2016


Hey Guys
I'm back and today i'm going to write about how my elective has been going so far. The elective I chose was coding. I honestly don't know why I chose coding but it's pretty fun so far. I'm doing game coding. The coding is extremely simple though. The elective has been alright so far, I would have preferred to do something like band but for some reason I chose coding. The things I've learned so far are how to make objects move and grow and how to do other things like that. I kind of expected it to be not as easy, and I know this is a very childish version of coding because my dads' job is coding. I can make the most of my elective by listening to the instructor at most times and following her instructions

That's all for now guys, seeya!!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hey guys
I'm back and today I'm going to write about how my paper castle building went. We didn't exactly work as a team to often. We did all help in some way and if we needed to make a wall or something we did go of and do it, but for pretty much everything else we argued. We had a whole lot of problems. Our building plan was pretty sketchy, our measurements were pretty bad, and our building in total wasn't the best. But I'm guessing they worked hard and  pushed through in the end. I wouldn't know because I was sick on the day. 
That's all i got for now seeya.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

CROSS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's (not) comedy shorts gamer here today I'm going to write about cross country which was just a few days ago. So... you see... cross country isn't my most favourite thing in the world. I'm ok with running especially sprinting, but I literally have no stamina. And we have to run 2km so yeah. I came 11th but that's just out of 15. I feel like I persevered at times, I ran/jogged almost all of the course but at times I just had to regain my energy for a few seconds. I also did see others persevere, especially people who find it hard to run because they have things like asthma. I also really liked that everyone was supporting everyone else. Even when the people at the very back were running after everyone else had finished, people were still cheering them on and saying that they could make and all that other stuff.

Sorry that I can't put any pictures in, my computer has stuffed up. Anyway that's all for now, seeya

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

CIVIL WAR REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(no spoilers)

Hey guys

I'm back and today I'm going to write a review of marvel civil war movie. I went to go see it on a Friday, and I was quite impressed. I would rate the movie overall about 4 stars ****. 

I hear everyone saying that this movie was by far the best captain america movie, but I don't think calling it 'captain america' civil war is either fair nor suitable. Considering how many characters there are and what the story is about. Maybe I would call it a captain america movie if it was more focused around captain americas side of the war or maybe even a lot more focused on the captain in total.But I'm happy it didn't because that would make me dislike the movie far more. 

I think a more appropriate name for the movie would be marvels civil war: heroes un-united or something. There are other things i don't like about the movie but if I told them they would give spoilers.

The plot is about when the government (and the rest of the world) decide that it would be a good idea to restrict the avengers so that they don't destroy things for no reason and that there won't be casualties. But some avengers (captain america and others) don't agree with the 'agreement' so then the other avengers need to capture the other heroes. But then another huge problem arrives that captain america's team needs to stop. 

The things I liked about the movie were how many heroes there were, the plot, the actors and how well the movie was made overall. Rotten tomatoes rated the movie 90%, which is pretty good.

That's all I got for now ,seeya!!!!!!!