Wednesday, June 29, 2016

MEDIEVAL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                            Hey guys I'm back, an today I'm going to talk about our medieval week.                                                                                                                               Last week our syndicate had a whole week dedicated to medieval times, and we had to create a lesson for the whole class. The people in my group were Henry, Josh and Lawrence, and our lesson was about medieval markets. I think the lesson went quiet well because no one forget their lines and everyone interacted quiet well in the game. We probably could have memorised it better and put in a few more slides, but otherwise I thought it was fine. The lessons that I could remember the most was the lesson of the plague, the one about food, and the medieval games. I liked all of them because the had quiet a bit of info and they were said pretty well. But I could remember the food one the best because for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to eat half a spoon of cinnamon.

Well that's all for now, seeya. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

KAPA HAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back and today I'm going to talk about KAPA HAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel that I have been participating quiet well, I sing and I do the moves (or at least I try to). The thing I find easy in kapa haka is probably the actions. Mostly because the leaders properly explain and show everyone how to do the moves properly. The thing I find most difficult is singing, because, you guessed it... I have a sore throat. I could probably improve my performance by listening and trying more. 

Well that's all for now seeya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MINICRAFT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, it's me again
And today I'm going to write about how our minecraft village is going. It looks pretty good so far considering everything has to be blocky. It looks pretty accurate to what the middle ages should look like (I think). The houses look right, the castle looks right, I think everything is good. My favourite part of the village has to be the castle. IT'S SO HUGE. And it looks really sick. I think we need to work on building more random buildings like merchant huts and stuff like that. I'll probably be working on making some more cottages and working more on my guildhall.
That's all for now seeya

found by HUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!