Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wearable tech gives an advantage to atheletes at rio?

Hello, I'm back. The answer was hair to the riddle.

Today I will be writing about some tech athletes used at the Olympics.

Now days technology is extremely important to us, and it's the same for Olympic athletes. But the tech is not just helping them, it is also protecting them from getting injured.

All athletes know that the right meal is very important to a athletes performance, but now you can do this with headphones. The headphones send electric signals through the scalp and into the motor cortex. This helps trigger the brain and stimulate the muscles. 

Even though this isn't fitted with any tech, the bright-hued shoes are worn by elite sprinters, took four years of algorithmic software design and months of 3D prototype testing.

(And my personal favourite) the visa ring. The visa ring was fitted with a microchip made by digital security company Gemalto. Athletes in Brazil could pay for things they bought at the Olympic village just by tapping the ring close to any terminals capable of using the rings.

If you want a less brief version of all the tech stuff go to this link 


That's all for now, BYE

Monday, August 15, 2016


Riddle, riddle, riddle me this.

I come in different colours
The younger I am, the more I grow
The older I am, the more I disappear
people get paid to kill me
but I always come back

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Weightlifting Stuff

Hey guys,

I'm back. And today I'm going to write about weightlifting. The weightlifting event I watched was the men's 56 kg group A. 

The people who got on the podium were Long Qingquan from China who got gold by lifting 307 kg (which is a world record),
Om Yun-Chul from 
North Korea who got silver by lifting 303 kg, and Sinphet Kruithong from Thailand who got bronze by lifting 289. But what's really interesting is that the guy who got silver in this event (which is called total) has the world record for clean and jerk, which is a single lift compared to total which is a bunch of lifts. The most exciting bit was probably the last lift by Long which is the one in the picture. He was shaking, and at one point he looked like he was about to explode, but then he finally lifted it up. Then he dropped it purposely and started screaming for joy. 

There wasn't really anything I learned from watching that because I've been watching weightlifting for a long time now, and know the proper techniques, and the different types of weightlifting. But I still wouldn't count myself as an expert.

Well, that's all for now. Bye. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hey guys, I'm back. And today I'll be writing about my book group.

So the book I'm reading as you can see is called Hatchet. It's about a boy who has his family divorced for some reason (They haven't explained why yet, I've only read two chapters) and has to fly to another country to see his Dad. But on the way there his plane crashes in a rainforest, and all he has is a hatchet that his mother gave him.

So far I think it's quite interesting, it is quite early to tell whether it will be a really good book but I think I will enjoy it. I like how it has mystery about why his parents divorced, and yeah.

The group I'm in is working quite well. I'm with Fraser, Iraklis, JL and Jesse. We all read to where we are supposed to, we all contribute to the discussion well, we don't go off topic (to much  :)    ). To make our book group even better we could try to go off topic less, and come prepared to talk with more ideas.