Thursday, September 15, 2016

Fighting cancer With space research?

Hey guys I'm back.
And today I will be writing about a new space thing that's happening right now. 

NGC 3718, NGC 3729 and other galaxies
Galaxies have been analysed using machine learning algorithms. The same
technology  has now been applied to cancer images as well.
So I was told to go on to NASA's blog and find something new that was happening and research about it. And I found this which caught my attention. nnn

Every day, NASA spacecraft beam down hundreds of petabytes of data, all of which has to be codified, stored and distributed to scientists across the globe. For the past 15 years these techniques have revolutionized biomedical research. On September 6, 2016, JPL and National Cancer Institute renewed a research partnership through 2021, making so that data science that originated in space exploration is now supporting cancer discoveries.

In the time they have worked together, JPL and EDRN‘s efforts have led to the discovery of six new Food and medicine Administration-approved cancer biomarkers and nine biomarkers approved for use in Laboratory Improvement Amendments labs. The FDA has approved each of these biomarkers for use in cancer research and diagnosis. These biomarkers have been used in more than 1 million patient diagnostic tests worldwide.

Well that's all for now guys, there is more in the article but most of it is more about other types of data rather from the cancer research. BYE!!!

1 comment:

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