Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hello People
this is me DJ 
Today I am going to talk about EOTC week.

What did I find most challenging

What I found most challenging would be the rock climbing. We did two days of rock climbing because sailing was cancelled. 

The one in El Rancho camp was easy to do, but the one we did on the day when we were supposed to do sailing was really slippery, so I kept on well... slipping. 

What did I find easy

What I found easy was the rock climbing in El Rancho camp and the archery because thats all we really did. The Rock climbing was easy because they weren't to big and they weren't slippery. But there was one hard one that no one could get to the top off.

 The archery was easy because we didn't have to do much. All we had to do was shoot a arrow a at  foam target. That doesn't mean I was the best there. I was probably in the middle.

Was it what I expected

Was it what I expected. No not really. I thought it would be really boring. Thats because my friends older sister told me that what they did was really boring, but this year was way better than what they did.

What was your proudest moment

y proudest moment was probably getting a bulls eye in archery. The only reason that is my proudest moment was because I didn't do anything else very interesting.

That's all I got bye bye for now

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