Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Hello Today is week one of term three and I am going to tell you about my holidays!!!!!!!!

Image result for bob stuart kevinThe first thing I did in my holidays was pick up some Sri Lankans' from the airport, who were going to stay at our house for a pretty long time. In fact they are still here to this day. The next day we went to the park next to our house to play some cricket. We didn't actually play a real game, we just had the father of the people who came to throw balls at us to hit. The age of the children who came were four and nine. The next thing I did was go see the Minions movie with Haveesha and Kashapa. It was a alright movie. I think I liked this movie more than the Despicable movies because it's about the Minions. The main characters of the Minions are Bob, Steve, and Stuart. The movie was based in the 70s or 80s and the minions were trying to find a evil leader. So they sent their bravest soldiers, Bob, Stuart, and Kevin. I don't really want to say anything else because I might spoil the movie. And that's pretty much all I did in the holidays not including me staying home doing nothing. 

Well that's all for now and (look at the thing below)