Monday, November 23, 2015

YEAR 8 NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys, I'm back from doing.... umm....doing....doing stuff, yeah lets go with that. I totally have a life you know, I'm not just staying at home thinking about stuff to post about. Yeah totally. Anyway, today I'm going to talk about what school will be like next year when I'm a year 8. Some things I want to do when I'm a year 8 is to get my merit and excellence badges. One other thing I want to achieve that would be quite hard, is to get the dux award. One thing I'm definitely looking forward to is going to year 8 camp. Mostly because we get to stay there for longer than in year 6 camp, and we get to do more stuff. I don't really think stuff will be any harder because we are used to the type of work.
Just to piss of Greekossparkos

Anyway guys, that's all I got for now. See ya later.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Hey guys comedy shorts.... oops, thinking about something else. Hey guys I'm back, and today I will be writing about book week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favourite event on book week was the golden ticket hunt. The aim of the event is to solve the clues to find the golden ticket. The golden ticket idea came from the book Charlie and the chocolate factory. Our teacher told us it was a bad idea to go into groups to figure out the answers, but when one group found the ticket, he gave each person in the group (which was a group of five) a crunchie each. The only reason I liked the event is because I like solving mysteries and problems.

My second favourite event was the character parade. The only reason I liked this event is because you got to dress up as a character from a book. I dressed up as Thompson. I personally didn't like the parade because you just walked around at school as your character.

My third favourite event was when Kate de Goldi came to our school. I liked this event because I got to learn how book writers get their inspiration from ( oh and Kate is a New Zealand book writer),and how they think when they write books. She also gave us some tips for writing books and what books were like in her day.

Any way, thanks for reading guys. BYEEEEE

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BOOKS (when I was young)

once upon a time YOU LOOKED ON MY BLOG!!!!!
Hey guys today I'm going to talk about my favourite book while I was young, ASTERIX!!! Even though the Asterix series is still one of my favourite books, I started reading it while I was quite young, maybe about 5. The Asterix books are about Asterix (obviously) going on adventures with Obelix (my favourite character) to defeat Romans. The reason why the gauls (this is the clan that Asterix is in) attack the Romans is because the Romans want to take over their village. But the thing stopping the Romans is the Gauls', Druids' magic potion that makes anyone who drinks it invincible. But only the Druid knows the recipe. The things I like about the books are that they are funny, they have quite a bit of action, and it has a puppy yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well that's all I got for now, see ya all later!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

AFL (even though we should be talking about the rugby world cup)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello all and welcome to AFL TALK 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding today I'm going to talk about what I have learned about AFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the lessons our school is taking on AFL are going quite good. We've only had one lesson by the time this post has come out though. The skills we have learned so far about are kicking the ball to pass, and that's about it. The tips we learned are to make the ball spin backwards to control it, keep you're ring fingers on the seem, and keep the cross on the top of the ball to the floor. But I can't remember the catchphrases. The things I learned on the AFL website are that NZ plays AFL, there's a AFL NZ youth competition, and and there's a NZ AFL premiership in 2016

Well that's all I got for now, seeya