Monday, May 4, 2015

It's me, DJ blogger, and I have another post for you (as usual). This post is about the mission fair (not very usual).
The thing  we were doing for the  Fair was a cricket arena where you play all these different types of cricket related things like, getting the amazing batsmen out or throwing balls at the wickets.
Things that went well
The things that went well were that we got about $40-$50 in total. We (the people in my group who were my friends Haveesha, James and Lawrence) think that we earned that amount because, we saw one of the teachers took four $5 notes, one $10 note and all the $1 and $2 coins, and there were a few $1 and $2 coins. And after that we earned some more money, so I think we earned about $40-$50 dollars.

Things we would do differently
The things we would do differently would be that we should have made a time limit for how long you could have a break, because Lawrence had a really long break and we couldn't find him for a long time.

That's all I got for now, seeya all later, byeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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