Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It is week six and I'm going to talk about what I have learned about the Galapagos Islands. I have already been to some of the islands but I still learned quite a bit. 

Image result for marine iguanaI have learned that the remains of the old islands are still under the sea, and that the islands are so heavy they are sinking into the sea. I have learned that the thing making these islands is a volcanic hotspot underneath where the islands are. I also found out that the volcanic hotspot is making even more islands but they are being made extremely slowly. Another thing I learned was that there are still more animals to be discovered. I have also found out a lot about some of the animals and how they have adapted to the Galapagos Islands. My favourite animal is probably the marine iguana because it can do some pretty cool things. Maybe something related to this topic that I would like to learn about would probably be how animals adapted in Antarctica. For next terms social studies topic I would probably like to learn about horrible histories, maybe just maybe.

That's all I got for now bye.     ;)

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