Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It is week five and one of the tasks given to us is to reflect on our roles and responsibilities. My role is being the enviro leader for our class.

How have I helped other students through this role

The only way I have helped other students with this role was by emptying the compost bin, which by the way is not a pretty sight :(  .

What have I enjoyed about it

The thing is we haven't done anything for the past term. We haven't even had a meeting until yesterday. So there is nothing for me to enjoy.

What have I learnt

I have learnt that we will be going to visit a place where they dump trash and bury it underground. And we are going to get rid of all the rubbish bins in the school. I'm pretty sure that last one is right, maybe? And we will have a blog so we don't need to waste lunch time in enviro meetings. :)  :)  :)

What have I found challenging

Taking the compost bin down without throwing up. BBBLLLAAAHHHH. Otherwise nothing else is challenging.

Do I have suggestions for changes that can be made for the role

DO I!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully we can find a way of someone or something else emptying the compost instead of the enviro leaders.

Well thats all I have for now. PEACE!!!!!!!!!

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