Friday, June 5, 2015

It Is week seven and I'm going to talk about a book I have read recently and have enjoyed. The name of the book is Artemis Fowl and the book was written by Eoin Colfer.

The plot is about a twelve year old boy called Artemis Fowl that is extremely smart and has lost his father and lots of their money. Then he discovers that there are magical creatures like fairies and goblins and then tries to steal all their gold. But the magical creatures are far more advanced than he thought.

Major Characters

Artemis Fowl II
Artemis Fowl II is the son of a irish crime lord called Artemis Fowl who was kidnapped by the Russian mafia. After a year of not being found he is thought to be dead, and because of that they lose lots of their money. Artemis is pale from being inside for so long and not seeing lots of sunlight, he has black hair and blue eyes. 

Butler is the loyal  manservant of Artemis fowl II and his bodyguard. Butler is also the third most skilled martial artist in the world (the first is a monk on a pacific island, and the second is his uncle who used to be the butler of  Artemis fowl I.

Holly Short
Holly is a elf. She is the only female captain of the LEPrecon, recon division of the LEP. LEP stands for Lower Elements Police. Holly is only three feet tall.

Foaly is a centaur computer genius. He works for LEP and is in charge of stopping humans discovering the fairy civilisation. He  designs most of the weaponry and gadgets that LEP uses. His sarcasm often annoys the LEP officers, but he mostly enjoys annoying his bad tempered commander Julius Root.

Julius Root
Root is the commander of the reconnaissance part of LEP, and because of that he has to track anyone who leaves the fairy colonisation so they don't make contact with any humans. 

Interesting quote from book
(Said by Artemis Fowl II) "Trust me. I'm a genius."   :)

What I liked about it
I liked the book because I think it had a good story line, it had magical creatures and it was funny. Those are some of the things I like of a book.

Who would I recommend this book to
I would recommend this book to someone who likes books with magical creatures because there are a lot of those in this book.

That's all I got for now bye.                                        

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