Monday, June 15, 2015

GERMAN STUFF HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HALLO, Tag, Guten Tag

I'm going to tell you about me learning about Deutsch which is the language German people speak. We learn Deutsch through watching a video that contains people speaking Deutsch.

What are some things I have learned

There are lots of different things I have learned like positive words, negative words, greetings, farewells, days of the week, titles, countries, how to say 'the' to different genders, what is your name and numbers.

Will I continue German in Collage

I probably won't learn German in collage because I want to learn Spanish because that is the second most spoken language in the world.

How will learning Deutsch be useful in my life 

It could be useful if the soccer world cup is held in Germany and I go there.

That's all I got for now seeeya!!!!!!! 



  1. YES im the 200th person to pageview you YES

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