Monday, October 26, 2015

FAVOURITE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Helloooo all. 

Today I am going to talk about my favourite video game which is SANIC. Just kidding. My favourite video game at the moment has to be DC Universe online. This game is one of my favourite
games because it has all the heroes and villains of DC in one game. And as you can see in the picture, the game is free (derp). 

If you want to see the intro for the game click here. But just a warning, the intro is violent and pretty brutal, but the game isn't. Just recapping on the intro, the game is about a evil space villain who takes over earth in the future and kills almost all the heroes and villains. So Lex Luthor goes back in time and warns the heroes of the coming future and disperses the powers of the heroes and villains from the future onto earth. This gives random people of earth powers so they can either help the heroes or the villains. I like this detail because you get to choose which side you want to be on. You can also have either Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, Joker, Lex Luthor, and Circe as a mentor.

The game is a open world MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online game) where you get to create your own character. The platforms you can get this game on is pc, ps3 and ps4. I seriously recommend this game to all people, not just boys.

Well that's all I got for now, Seeya.