Tuesday, October 20, 2015

FUTURE JOBS (HOPEFULLY)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

SUP READERS. Today I'm going to write about a future job that I would ideally have. Hopefully I will get one of them, someday.

My ideal realistic job is to be a computer engineer or computer programmer. I have a few reasons why I want to be one of these. The first reason is because it looks like lots of fun, and my dad does computer programming. I don't specifically know the subjects needed for computer engineering or programming, but I'm pretty sure you can't learn the subjects need for them in college. But I think you can learn computer science and computer technology in uni. I think I could help my dad with some of his work for work out of school, or go for classes outside of school . The other job I might want to have would be to be a cricketer, but I only wanted to write about long term jobs. So for the readers of all places, comment down below if I should study just for cricket, just for computer engineering or programming, or should I study for all of them.

Well, that's all I got for know seeya later.


  1. Post of the century. Just joking stil nice post.

  2. I bet you that guy was playing Fifa and got raged out because the ball went straight through the goalkeepers body
