Monday, October 12, 2015


Hello all, today is week one of term four and I'm going to tell you about some things I did in the holidays.

In the holidays my parents and I had gone to a special event called the USLA event. USLA stands for the United Sri Lanka Association. As you can see in the picture, the united part is for being united with New Zealand. This event wasn't just for the Sinhalese, the Tamil and all the other cultures in Sri Lanka . It was also for the English and the Maori. 

The show contained many dances both Maori and Sri Lankan. At the end, they combined a Maori and  Sri Lankan dance to finish it all off. After the dances, a music group of Sri Lankan people came from Auckland to play and sing for everyone. To be honest it wasn't all that great but... yeah it wasn't that good at all :) . There was lots of food at the event. Most of it spicy, but thats how most Sri Lankan's like it. I barely know any Sri Lankans' who can't handle spicy foods. The event started at about five pm... and ended at about... one am. This is how most Sri Lankan's work when parties or events are involved. We usually come late, and we end extremely late. You know how I wrote about the event starting at five pm. My family and I came at about six thirty am.

Any way that's all I got for now. SEEYA!!!!

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