Monday, February 29, 2016


Hey guys I'm back,

and today I'm going to write about duolingo! If you didn't know (and you should) this site is used for learning languages. I think the website is pretty good. I really like how the longer your streak, is the better the rewards are that you get, so it makes you want to keep doing it. But I also find it difficult to keep my streak because it counts it as the next day when you reach the time when you started the whole thing on the exact time. So even if you do one lesson one day and then another lesson the next day it might not count as two separate days. I do feel it has helped me learn spanish quite well. And I don't really have any tips for anyone except to repeat it and say the words aloud over and over again.

Well that's all for now folks, seeya next post. Byeeee

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