Monday, February 22, 2016



Hey people. Welcome back to my blog! Today (as you can see from the title) I shall be talking about woodwork, sort of. The class I'm going to at tech is woodwork, but I haven't really done that much on my project. So we got to vote on what project we would build, and the top 4 most voted projects would be the ones we would be making. I voted for a battleship and luckily hat was in the top 4. I haven't really done much on it, all I've done is cut out a bit of wood with some templates for it, not anything else. And It's probably not going to change, the only change will come later when I have to glue it all together. The other class I'm most looking forward to is cooking, why, because I love FOOD! Who doesn't!

Well that's all I got for now, seeya later.