Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I'M BACK....................................................................AGAIN

             HEY --------->
Hello everyone and welcome to (or back) to my blog. This week I have to write about how the year has gone for me so far. Well it's only the start of the year so there's not much to talk about, so this might be a shorter blog post. First question! Have I got to know any people better? Well I got to know the people in my class a bit better but otherwise I haven't really got to know to much more about any people in my class. What have I enjoyed so far? Well it's only the start of the year so not much really. I played a game of cricket recently against a good team and my team won, but otherwise nothing much. What have I found challenging? The only thing I found sort of challenging this year so far was my statistics test. Mostly because I couldn't remember some of the stuff I learned last year for statistics. How are my organisation and time management skills going? I still think I haven't got into my groove yet, but I still think I'm doing alright. Do you have any ideas you would like us teachers to try? I don't know, maybe a voting system in the syndicate, I don't know. I'm honestly fine the way it is. But maybe dodgeball more frequently.

Well that's all for now seeya next time. BYE.




  1. sos. i didn't miss you.
    I like your post

  2. Awesome blog post DJ, you know that everyone is back... IT"S 2016 BRO!

  3. Shot Dj
    seems interesting
    good luck for the year
