Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Book week stuff

Hey Guys
I'm back and today I will be writing about our book week!!! The book week in general was pretty good. I know from experience that other book weeks weren't as successful (especially when it came to people shouting out the answers in the quiz).  

Image result for funny book gifThe Author that visited our school was Fifi Colston. She is also an illustrator who's drawings look extremely good. when Fifi was young, she wasn't concerned too much about her actual school work but more on her drawings. Every spare minute she would be drawing. I also like how she always researches a lot into things if she is going to write or draw something for a book.

The book character parade was pretty cool. I liked seeing all the different costumes and how good they looked. There is only a brief amount of time to see all the costumes properly, but it was still pretty fun.

The book quiz as I said before was pretty good. The questions were interesting were very good for each age group. And it wasn't as bad as last year when they were calling out the answers.

The book swap was a great idea. It is a good way to exchange books and I definitely think it should continue for the following years. I just didn't contribute because I didn't want to bring in any baby books because I liked most of the books I already had.

Any way that's all for now, seeya!!!!!

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