Wednesday, November 2, 2016

More Book Stuff!!!!!

Hey Guys

Image result for funny book gifI'm back and today I will be writing about some book stuff. Some of the good books that I have read this year are; the first three books of the Alex Rider series which are, Stormbreaker, Point Blanc and Skeleton Key. I also read some of Rick Riordan's books including the Percy Jackson series and the Red Pyramid series.

Image result for thomas the tank engine funny gifI can't clearly remember my favourite book that I read when I was young, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those weird Thomas the tank engine books. I remember the only thing I used to watch when I was really young was Thomas. Ok... lets move on.

My favourite author right now has to be Anthony Horowitz because of all the books of his that I have read this year. The Alex Rider books, Power of Five books. All by him. 

It's sort of hard for me to decide what was the best book I have read this year, but my most favourite book I've read this year is the first Alex Rider book, Stormbreaker. This book is pretty much a James Bond book with a teen playing James Bond. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes spy books or any sorts of books really. I can't really reveal anything else about the book because I would be giving away important things. (And also I can't really remember to much of the book that aren't spoilers.) 

Well that's all for now, seeya!!