Sunday, November 27, 2016

Hey Guys
I'm back with another blog post. And today I will be writing about four (some-what) interesting plant facts. Plants are living organisms which need to be pollinated and need food and energy to survive.

1. Plants live on a very different time scale. For them time is accelerated. That's why they grow so quickly.

2. Plant's seeds travel in many different ways. They travel through wind, water and animals. Some wind seeds travel with propellers and water seeds with life rafts.

3. The colour of a plant can help determine what type of animals of insects visit to pollinate the plants. You can tell through colours like green, yellow, etc.

4. Plants have different genders. Most plants have different parts for the male and female part. The male section gives pollen, while the female receives pollen and fertilises the eggs for the plant.

Ok well that's all for now, byeee!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Term 4 goals

Hey Guys

I'm back and today I'll be writing about how my term goals have been going. The term has just gone flying out the window. To me it still feels like the second week of term and now we're already writing about our goals.
Image result for life goals gif
My academic goal for this term was to get the excellence badge which I'm happy to sa
y I now have. Usually just forget most of the things I have done during the term/year like test scores and other things like that. My Catholic character goal this term was to say a rosary every week (unlike every other term where it was to be a better catholic character member). So far I've been completing this goal. My cultural goal is to speak more Maori in everyday situations like saying hello or thanks. So far I haven't been keeping up to well with this goal, but i shall start trying a bit harder now. My physical goal was to get into the inter-zones for discuss, but sadly I didn't make the qualifying distance (but then again, neither did anyone else at the northern-zones). 

Well that's all for now. BYE!!!

Monday, November 14, 2016

SPEECHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;(

Hey guys 
Image result for funny speechI'm back and today I'll  be writing about how my speech is going. My speech is about comedians. The main idea of the speech is inform the listeners about comedians, but if I can crack a few laughs out of the audience that would be good as well. 

I'm reasonably prepared for the speech, still trying to decide if I want que cards or not. I have made them though. 

What I need to work most with my presentation is to make more eye contact with everyone and to make more hand gestures. 

Well that's all for now, bye.!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Book week stuff

Hey Guys
I'm back and today I will be writing about our book week!!! The book week in general was pretty good. I know from experience that other book weeks weren't as successful (especially when it came to people shouting out the answers in the quiz).  

Image result for funny book gifThe Author that visited our school was Fifi Colston. She is also an illustrator who's drawings look extremely good. when Fifi was young, she wasn't concerned too much about her actual school work but more on her drawings. Every spare minute she would be drawing. I also like how she always researches a lot into things if she is going to write or draw something for a book.

The book character parade was pretty cool. I liked seeing all the different costumes and how good they looked. There is only a brief amount of time to see all the costumes properly, but it was still pretty fun.

The book quiz as I said before was pretty good. The questions were interesting were very good for each age group. And it wasn't as bad as last year when they were calling out the answers.

The book swap was a great idea. It is a good way to exchange books and I definitely think it should continue for the following years. I just didn't contribute because I didn't want to bring in any baby books because I liked most of the books I already had.

Any way that's all for now, seeya!!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

More Book Stuff!!!!!

Hey Guys

Image result for funny book gifI'm back and today I will be writing about some book stuff. Some of the good books that I have read this year are; the first three books of the Alex Rider series which are, Stormbreaker, Point Blanc and Skeleton Key. I also read some of Rick Riordan's books including the Percy Jackson series and the Red Pyramid series.

Image result for thomas the tank engine funny gifI can't clearly remember my favourite book that I read when I was young, but I'm pretty sure it's one of those weird Thomas the tank engine books. I remember the only thing I used to watch when I was really young was Thomas. Ok... lets move on.

My favourite author right now has to be Anthony Horowitz because of all the books of his that I have read this year. The Alex Rider books, Power of Five books. All by him. 

It's sort of hard for me to decide what was the best book I have read this year, but my most favourite book I've read this year is the first Alex Rider book, Stormbreaker. This book is pretty much a James Bond book with a teen playing James Bond. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes spy books or any sorts of books really. I can't really reveal anything else about the book because I would be giving away important things. (And also I can't really remember to much of the book that aren't spoilers.) 

Well that's all for now, seeya!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Production Stuff

Hey guys I'm back, and today I'll be writing about our school production.

Image result for robin hood funnyMy favourite thing about my role was obviously acting. I know King Richard wasn't the biggest of roles, but it was still quite fun. 

The highlight for me throughout the whole production were all the jokes. I really liked that all the jokes were laughed at by the adults watching. 

What I thought was the funniest thing during the whole production, was when Cole walked up to Harrison a talked into the mike when it was on full volume. 

What I feel I could have done differently was not to have smiled as much when saying/listening to other peoples jokes while on stage. 

Anyway that's all for now. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Image result for albert einstein quotesHey guys I'm back, 
and today I will be writing (a small amount) about a Albert Einstein Quote.

The quote is (as you can see to your left) "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." The reason I like this quote by Albert Einstein is because he is saying that it's ok to make mistakes, and that means a lot coming from one of the smartest men in all time. I like most of Albert Einstein's quotes because they are mostly funny or proving that anyone can be a genius

Well that's all for now, byeee.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Fighting cancer With space research?

Hey guys I'm back.
And today I will be writing about a new space thing that's happening right now. 

NGC 3718, NGC 3729 and other galaxies
Galaxies have been analysed using machine learning algorithms. The same
technology  has now been applied to cancer images as well.
So I was told to go on to NASA's blog and find something new that was happening and research about it. And I found this which caught my attention. nnn

Every day, NASA spacecraft beam down hundreds of petabytes of data, all of which has to be codified, stored and distributed to scientists across the globe. For the past 15 years these techniques have revolutionized biomedical research. On September 6, 2016, JPL and National Cancer Institute renewed a research partnership through 2021, making so that data science that originated in space exploration is now supporting cancer discoveries.

In the time they have worked together, JPL and EDRN‘s efforts have led to the discovery of six new Food and medicine Administration-approved cancer biomarkers and nine biomarkers approved for use in Laboratory Improvement Amendments labs. The FDA has approved each of these biomarkers for use in cancer research and diagnosis. These biomarkers have been used in more than 1 million patient diagnostic tests worldwide.

Well that's all for now guys, there is more in the article but most of it is more about other types of data rather from the cancer research. BYE!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Hey guys I'm back, and today I will be writing about a space activity that I have completed.
Image result for space meme
The space activity that did was the maths activity which was to figure out my weight on every planet in our solar system. I don't want to bore with a bunch of maths... but I will. I got the equation mass x gravity = weight, but I was also told that your weight isn't your mass. So I divided my weight by earths' gravity and got my mass. Then I multiplied my mass to the gravity of all the different planets. 

Honestly there wasn't too much to enjoy about this task. It was slightly funny to see my weights on other planets, but that was it. In this task I learned how gravity is measured, how to figure out my mass and I roughly remember the different gravity of other planets. I didn't really learn any more skills because it was just a maths activity.

Well that's all for now, BYE!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Time management skills? (what time management skills?)

Hey guys, I'm back.
Image result for time management
And today I will be writing about my time management skills. I know I know, you'll all be like, "DJ, You don't have any time management skills (let alone any)." And I'll say,
"Well, you may be right, but I'm making this post anyway.

Time management is extremely important for all people. It's a basic life skill that everyone needs to master. Especially when you get to points in your life through out and after college. I think my time management skills are alright. I always finish my tasks either before or on Friday (unless I'm sick during the week). I take a few tasks home everyday and I do most of my tasks at home. When I have time I try to complete as many tasks as I can at school, but I admit I do at times mess around with my friends. I do think most of the time I'm making the most of the time I have, but sometimes I do mess around a bit. Some things that help me concentrate are not friends distracting me. What I do to stay concentrated is to tune out of everything and just focus on my work.

Well that's all for. Seeya.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Wearable tech gives an advantage to atheletes at rio?

Hello, I'm back. The answer was hair to the riddle.

Today I will be writing about some tech athletes used at the Olympics.

Now days technology is extremely important to us, and it's the same for Olympic athletes. But the tech is not just helping them, it is also protecting them from getting injured.

All athletes know that the right meal is very important to a athletes performance, but now you can do this with headphones. The headphones send electric signals through the scalp and into the motor cortex. This helps trigger the brain and stimulate the muscles. 

Even though this isn't fitted with any tech, the bright-hued shoes are worn by elite sprinters, took four years of algorithmic software design and months of 3D prototype testing.

(And my personal favourite) the visa ring. The visa ring was fitted with a microchip made by digital security company Gemalto. Athletes in Brazil could pay for things they bought at the Olympic village just by tapping the ring close to any terminals capable of using the rings.

If you want a less brief version of all the tech stuff go to this link

That's all for now, BYE

Monday, August 15, 2016


Riddle, riddle, riddle me this.

I come in different colours
The younger I am, the more I grow
The older I am, the more I disappear
people get paid to kill me
but I always come back

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Weightlifting Stuff

Hey guys,

I'm back. And today I'm going to write about weightlifting. The weightlifting event I watched was the men's 56 kg group A. 

The people who got on the podium were Long Qingquan from China who got gold by lifting 307 kg (which is a world record),
Om Yun-Chul from 
North Korea who got silver by lifting 303 kg, and Sinphet Kruithong from Thailand who got bronze by lifting 289. But what's really interesting is that the guy who got silver in this event (which is called total) has the world record for clean and jerk, which is a single lift compared to total which is a bunch of lifts. The most exciting bit was probably the last lift by Long which is the one in the picture. He was shaking, and at one point he looked like he was about to explode, but then he finally lifted it up. Then he dropped it purposely and started screaming for joy. 

There wasn't really anything I learned from watching that because I've been watching weightlifting for a long time now, and know the proper techniques, and the different types of weightlifting. But I still wouldn't count myself as an expert.

Well, that's all for now. Bye. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hey guys, I'm back. And today I'll be writing about my book group.

So the book I'm reading as you can see is called Hatchet. It's about a boy who has his family divorced for some reason (They haven't explained why yet, I've only read two chapters) and has to fly to another country to see his Dad. But on the way there his plane crashes in a rainforest, and all he has is a hatchet that his mother gave him.

So far I think it's quite interesting, it is quite early to tell whether it will be a really good book but I think I will enjoy it. I like how it has mystery about why his parents divorced, and yeah.

The group I'm in is working quite well. I'm with Fraser, Iraklis, JL and Jesse. We all read to where we are supposed to, we all contribute to the discussion well, we don't go off topic (to much  :)    ). To make our book group even better we could try to go off topic less, and come prepared to talk with more ideas.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

MEDIEVAL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                            Hey guys I'm back, an today I'm going to talk about our medieval week.                                                                                                                               Last week our syndicate had a whole week dedicated to medieval times, and we had to create a lesson for the whole class. The people in my group were Henry, Josh and Lawrence, and our lesson was about medieval markets. I think the lesson went quiet well because no one forget their lines and everyone interacted quiet well in the game. We probably could have memorised it better and put in a few more slides, but otherwise I thought it was fine. The lessons that I could remember the most was the lesson of the plague, the one about food, and the medieval games. I liked all of them because the had quiet a bit of info and they were said pretty well. But I could remember the food one the best because for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to eat half a spoon of cinnamon.

Well that's all for now, seeya. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

KAPA HAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm back and today I'm going to talk about KAPA HAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel that I have been participating quiet well, I sing and I do the moves (or at least I try to). The thing I find easy in kapa haka is probably the actions. Mostly because the leaders properly explain and show everyone how to do the moves properly. The thing I find most difficult is singing, because, you guessed it... I have a sore throat. I could probably improve my performance by listening and trying more. 

Well that's all for now seeya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

MINICRAFT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, it's me again
And today I'm going to write about how our minecraft village is going. It looks pretty good so far considering everything has to be blocky. It looks pretty accurate to what the middle ages should look like (I think). The houses look right, the castle looks right, I think everything is good. My favourite part of the village has to be the castle. IT'S SO HUGE. And it looks really sick. I think we need to work on building more random buildings like merchant huts and stuff like that. I'll probably be working on making some more cottages and working more on my guildhall.
That's all for now seeya

found by HUGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 30, 2016


Hey Guys
I'm back and today i'm going to write about how my elective has been going so far. The elective I chose was coding. I honestly don't know why I chose coding but it's pretty fun so far. I'm doing game coding. The coding is extremely simple though. The elective has been alright so far, I would have preferred to do something like band but for some reason I chose coding. The things I've learned so far are how to make objects move and grow and how to do other things like that. I kind of expected it to be not as easy, and I know this is a very childish version of coding because my dads' job is coding. I can make the most of my elective by listening to the instructor at most times and following her instructions

That's all for now guys, seeya!!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hey guys
I'm back and today I'm going to write about how my paper castle building went. We didn't exactly work as a team to often. We did all help in some way and if we needed to make a wall or something we did go of and do it, but for pretty much everything else we argued. We had a whole lot of problems. Our building plan was pretty sketchy, our measurements were pretty bad, and our building in total wasn't the best. But I'm guessing they worked hard and  pushed through in the end. I wouldn't know because I was sick on the day. 
That's all i got for now seeya.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

CROSS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's (not) comedy shorts gamer here today I'm going to write about cross country which was just a few days ago. So... you see... cross country isn't my most favourite thing in the world. I'm ok with running especially sprinting, but I literally have no stamina. And we have to run 2km so yeah. I came 11th but that's just out of 15. I feel like I persevered at times, I ran/jogged almost all of the course but at times I just had to regain my energy for a few seconds. I also did see others persevere, especially people who find it hard to run because they have things like asthma. I also really liked that everyone was supporting everyone else. Even when the people at the very back were running after everyone else had finished, people were still cheering them on and saying that they could make and all that other stuff.

Sorry that I can't put any pictures in, my computer has stuffed up. Anyway that's all for now, seeya

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

CIVIL WAR REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(no spoilers)

Hey guys

I'm back and today I'm going to write a review of marvel civil war movie. I went to go see it on a Friday, and I was quite impressed. I would rate the movie overall about 4 stars ****. 

I hear everyone saying that this movie was by far the best captain america movie, but I don't think calling it 'captain america' civil war is either fair nor suitable. Considering how many characters there are and what the story is about. Maybe I would call it a captain america movie if it was more focused around captain americas side of the war or maybe even a lot more focused on the captain in total.But I'm happy it didn't because that would make me dislike the movie far more. 

I think a more appropriate name for the movie would be marvels civil war: heroes un-united or something. There are other things i don't like about the movie but if I told them they would give spoilers.

The plot is about when the government (and the rest of the world) decide that it would be a good idea to restrict the avengers so that they don't destroy things for no reason and that there won't be casualties. But some avengers (captain america and others) don't agree with the 'agreement' so then the other avengers need to capture the other heroes. But then another huge problem arrives that captain america's team needs to stop. 

The things I liked about the movie were how many heroes there were, the plot, the actors and how well the movie was made overall. Rotten tomatoes rated the movie 90%, which is pretty good.

That's all I got for now ,seeya!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Hey guys, I'm back again to write about what I have learned this term. 

1. The first thing I want to write about that I learned is something to do with spanish. I didn't know much spanish at all before I started learning it. I didn't know that Spanish words - like apple - had to be separated into male and female classes. The thing that helped me learn this is a language site called duolingo. 

2. The physical thing I learned this term was when I went to camp. I learned how to tie a few knots like the 8 on a bite. I only learned how to make them because my instructor kept on telling me how to tie it over and over again, and also because I kept on doing over and over again because I kept on failing.

3. The social thing I learned was also at camp. When my group were doing a activity where we had to communicate, I gave my idea and people listened and we solved the activity. And I learned that I don't have to stay quiet the whole time. I think I learned this because our instructor told us to contribute while we were doing the activity.

I think the best way to not forget these things is to keep on doing them and practicing them.

Thats all I got for now. Byeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


url.jpgHello everyone, and HAPPY EASTER. Easter is one of my most favourite holidays of the year. And not just because I like eating chocolate. One thing I think made someone happy is when I went to a someones house on Monday and I played with them even though I didn't really like him to much and he was pretty young. I don't really know what to say for what his reaction was. But I did make him laugh a few times. 
I know this has been pretty short but I wasn't expecting this to much anyway BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Hey guys I'm back
And today I'm back to write about CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super excited about.

The things I'm most looking forward to at camp would be doing activities like caving and canoeing with my friends. I'll also be looking forward to doing other things with my friends. 

There isn't really anything that I'm really nervous about. I am a bit uncomfortable with heights and there is a flying fox (I think). But otherwise I'm completely fine with camp.

Some things I think I can do to make camp really fun are making sure all the chores are done so we have more time for activities, and doing stuff like making sure everyone is included.

That's all for now, seeya!!!!!!!

Monday, February 29, 2016


Hey guys I'm back,

and today I'm going to write about duolingo! If you didn't know (and you should) this site is used for learning languages. I think the website is pretty good. I really like how the longer your streak, is the better the rewards are that you get, so it makes you want to keep doing it. But I also find it difficult to keep my streak because it counts it as the next day when you reach the time when you started the whole thing on the exact time. So even if you do one lesson one day and then another lesson the next day it might not count as two separate days. I do feel it has helped me learn spanish quite well. And I don't really have any tips for anyone except to repeat it and say the words aloud over and over again.

Well that's all for now folks, seeya next post. Byeeee

Monday, February 22, 2016



Hey people. Welcome back to my blog! Today (as you can see from the title) I shall be talking about woodwork, sort of. The class I'm going to at tech is woodwork, but I haven't really done that much on my project. So we got to vote on what project we would build, and the top 4 most voted projects would be the ones we would be making. I voted for a battleship and luckily hat was in the top 4. I haven't really done much on it, all I've done is cut out a bit of wood with some templates for it, not anything else. And It's probably not going to change, the only change will come later when I have to glue it all together. The other class I'm most looking forward to is cooking, why, because I love FOOD! Who doesn't!

Well that's all I got for now, seeya later.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I'M BACK....................................................................AGAIN

             HEY --------->
Hello everyone and welcome to (or back) to my blog. This week I have to write about how the year has gone for me so far. Well it's only the start of the year so there's not much to talk about, so this might be a shorter blog post. First question! Have I got to know any people better? Well I got to know the people in my class a bit better but otherwise I haven't really got to know to much more about any people in my class. What have I enjoyed so far? Well it's only the start of the year so not much really. I played a game of cricket recently against a good team and my team won, but otherwise nothing much. What have I found challenging? The only thing I found sort of challenging this year so far was my statistics test. Mostly because I couldn't remember some of the stuff I learned last year for statistics. How are my organisation and time management skills going? I still think I haven't got into my groove yet, but I still think I'm doing alright. Do you have any ideas you would like us teachers to try? I don't know, maybe a voting system in the syndicate, I don't know. I'm honestly fine the way it is. But maybe dodgeball more frequently.

Well that's all for now seeya next time. BYE.