Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Hey there guys, today I'm here to write about my favourite moment of the year, that was at school. I've had a lot of good moments at school for this year, but my favourite moment of the year has to be EOTC week.

EOTC week (for people who don't know) is a week when year 7's from the school I go to get to do these cool activities for five days. Some of the activities include indoor rock climbing, going to El Rancho camp, going to Te Papa, Climbing up a mountain and other cool stuff. The most favourite thing I think we did that week was going to El Rancho camp. Some things we did there included: indoor rock climbing, tubing, and archery.  

My favourite previous big day out would have to be last years one when we went to Jungle-Rama and played indoor sports. But that's all I remember about last years big day out.

I think next years big day out will be at Zealandia because that's pretty much where we go all the time except maybe twice or thrice.

Any way that's all I got for now. Bye Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2015

YEAR 8 NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys, I'm back from doing.... umm....doing....doing stuff, yeah lets go with that. I totally have a life you know, I'm not just staying at home thinking about stuff to post about. Yeah totally. Anyway, today I'm going to talk about what school will be like next year when I'm a year 8. Some things I want to do when I'm a year 8 is to get my merit and excellence badges. One other thing I want to achieve that would be quite hard, is to get the dux award. One thing I'm definitely looking forward to is going to year 8 camp. Mostly because we get to stay there for longer than in year 6 camp, and we get to do more stuff. I don't really think stuff will be any harder because we are used to the type of work.
Just to piss of Greekossparkos

Anyway guys, that's all I got for now. See ya later.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Hey guys comedy shorts.... oops, thinking about something else. Hey guys I'm back, and today I will be writing about book week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My favourite event on book week was the golden ticket hunt. The aim of the event is to solve the clues to find the golden ticket. The golden ticket idea came from the book Charlie and the chocolate factory. Our teacher told us it was a bad idea to go into groups to figure out the answers, but when one group found the ticket, he gave each person in the group (which was a group of five) a crunchie each. The only reason I liked the event is because I like solving mysteries and problems.

My second favourite event was the character parade. The only reason I liked this event is because you got to dress up as a character from a book. I dressed up as Thompson. I personally didn't like the parade because you just walked around at school as your character.

My third favourite event was when Kate de Goldi came to our school. I liked this event because I got to learn how book writers get their inspiration from ( oh and Kate is a New Zealand book writer),and how they think when they write books. She also gave us some tips for writing books and what books were like in her day.

Any way, thanks for reading guys. BYEEEEE

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BOOKS (when I was young)

once upon a time YOU LOOKED ON MY BLOG!!!!!
Hey guys today I'm going to talk about my favourite book while I was young, ASTERIX!!! Even though the Asterix series is still one of my favourite books, I started reading it while I was quite young, maybe about 5. The Asterix books are about Asterix (obviously) going on adventures with Obelix (my favourite character) to defeat Romans. The reason why the gauls (this is the clan that Asterix is in) attack the Romans is because the Romans want to take over their village. But the thing stopping the Romans is the Gauls', Druids' magic potion that makes anyone who drinks it invincible. But only the Druid knows the recipe. The things I like about the books are that they are funny, they have quite a bit of action, and it has a puppy yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well that's all I got for now, see ya all later!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

AFL (even though we should be talking about the rugby world cup)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello all and welcome to AFL TALK 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding today I'm going to talk about what I have learned about AFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the lessons our school is taking on AFL are going quite good. We've only had one lesson by the time this post has come out though. The skills we have learned so far about are kicking the ball to pass, and that's about it. The tips we learned are to make the ball spin backwards to control it, keep you're ring fingers on the seem, and keep the cross on the top of the ball to the floor. But I can't remember the catchphrases. The things I learned on the AFL website are that NZ plays AFL, there's a AFL NZ youth competition, and and there's a NZ AFL premiership in 2016

Well that's all I got for now, seeya 

Monday, October 26, 2015

FAVOURITE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Helloooo all. 

Today I am going to talk about my favourite video game which is SANIC. Just kidding. My favourite video game at the moment has to be DC Universe online. This game is one of my favourite
games because it has all the heroes and villains of DC in one game. And as you can see in the picture, the game is free (derp). 

If you want to see the intro for the game click here. But just a warning, the intro is violent and pretty brutal, but the game isn't. Just recapping on the intro, the game is about a evil space villain who takes over earth in the future and kills almost all the heroes and villains. So Lex Luthor goes back in time and warns the heroes of the coming future and disperses the powers of the heroes and villains from the future onto earth. This gives random people of earth powers so they can either help the heroes or the villains. I like this detail because you get to choose which side you want to be on. You can also have either Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, Joker, Lex Luthor, and Circe as a mentor.

The game is a open world MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online game) where you get to create your own character. The platforms you can get this game on is pc, ps3 and ps4. I seriously recommend this game to all people, not just boys.

Well that's all I got for now, Seeya.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

FUTURE JOBS (HOPEFULLY)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

SUP READERS. Today I'm going to write about a future job that I would ideally have. Hopefully I will get one of them, someday.

My ideal realistic job is to be a computer engineer or computer programmer. I have a few reasons why I want to be one of these. The first reason is because it looks like lots of fun, and my dad does computer programming. I don't specifically know the subjects needed for computer engineering or programming, but I'm pretty sure you can't learn the subjects need for them in college. But I think you can learn computer science and computer technology in uni. I think I could help my dad with some of his work for work out of school, or go for classes outside of school . The other job I might want to have would be to be a cricketer, but I only wanted to write about long term jobs. So for the readers of all places, comment down below if I should study just for cricket, just for computer engineering or programming, or should I study for all of them.

Well, that's all I got for know seeya later.

Monday, October 12, 2015


Hello all, today is week one of term four and I'm going to tell you about some things I did in the holidays.

In the holidays my parents and I had gone to a special event called the USLA event. USLA stands for the United Sri Lanka Association. As you can see in the picture, the united part is for being united with New Zealand. This event wasn't just for the Sinhalese, the Tamil and all the other cultures in Sri Lanka . It was also for the English and the Maori. 

The show contained many dances both Maori and Sri Lankan. At the end, they combined a Maori and  Sri Lankan dance to finish it all off. After the dances, a music group of Sri Lankan people came from Auckland to play and sing for everyone. To be honest it wasn't all that great but... yeah it wasn't that good at all :) . There was lots of food at the event. Most of it spicy, but thats how most Sri Lankan's like it. I barely know any Sri Lankans' who can't handle spicy foods. The event started at about five pm... and ended at about... one am. This is how most Sri Lankan's work when parties or events are involved. We usually come late, and we end extremely late. You know how I wrote about the event starting at five pm. My family and I came at about six thirty am.

Any way that's all I got for now. SEEYA!!!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

NEW FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone. Today is week 5 of term 3 and today I am going to tell you my top 4 flags for New Zealand to choose.

Embrace (Red & Blue) by Denise Fung, tagged with: Blue, Red, White, Fern, Koru, Southern Cross, Multiculturalism.My first choice would be this flag which is called Embrace which is made by Denise Fung. I really like this one because it has a good mix of colours, it has the southern cross  and it has the koru placed in a cool way that I've never seen before.

Koru and Stars by Alan Tran, tagged with: Blue, Red, White, Koru, Southern Cross, Peace, Strength.
My second choice would be this flag which is called Koru and Stars which is made by Alan Tran. I like this flag because it has the koru and the southern cross in colour. But for some reason I don't like this one as much as the one on top of it.

Silver Fern (Red,White & Blue) by Kyle Lockwood, tagged with: Blue, Red, White, Fern, Southern Cross, Growth, Independence, Kiwiana, Māori culture, Multiculturalism, History.My third choice would be this flag which is called Silver Fern which was made by Kyle Lockwood. I like this flag because it has the silver fern separating the blue from the white and it has the southern cross in colour. The reason I like the flag on top of this one more is because I                                 think I have seen lots of these flags instead of the flag on top.
Modern Hundertwasser by Tomas Cottle, tagged with: Green, White, Koru, Growth, Māori culture.
 My last flag would be this one which      is called Modern Hundertwasser which is made by Tomas Cottle. I like this one because it is simple but really good. The problem with it for me though is that it is to simple.

But overall I think that it is a waste of money. Yes it could make New Zealand known better for having a unique flag, but overall I think it is a waste of $26,000,000 which could be used for more important things.

Well, time to end on a high note. 

That's all I got for today, SEEYA.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Sorrry!!!!! :p

Sorry about the last post everyone. I never finished it and I accidentally pressed publish  :o

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Hello everyone, today is week 4 of term 3 and today I'm going to talk about ART!!!!!

What sort of art do I enjoy doing
Some types of art I enjoy doing are drawing, painting and... that's about it. I am not much of a art fan so I don't really remember much art we do at school.

What art skills would I like to improve on
I would like to improve on collages, drawing, painting and every other type of art, because I am really bad at art.

 What ideas do I have for the art exhibition
I was thinking of the class to do a alien thing because people probably won't expect it. The thing I think we should do for the alien thing is maybe a giant black background with little stars everywhere, a few random planets, earth, and lots of U.F.Os' flying towards earth.

Well that's all I got for now, SEEYA.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

CELEBRITY DINNER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello guys!!! Today is week three of term three and one of my tasks is two write about two people I would invite to dinner. One has to be a real person and the other can be a fictional person. You have to explain why you would invite them, and what questions you would ask them. 
The fictional person I would invite to my dinner would be DEADPOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Deadpool is a character from the company Marvel. Some people think he talks directly to the reader or person watching him, but other people think he is just plain crazy. He is pretty much a bad guy but he does sometimes help heroes. Some of the reasons why I would would invite Deadpool to my dinner is because I am a very big fan of Deadpool. And he has amazing healing powers. He can heal so well if you blow up his head he would grow one back. But he has cancer so he has to keep healing it to stay alive. Oh, did I forget to say he's such a maniac. He killed everyone in the Marvel universe. :)

Some of the questions I would like to ask Deadpool are, "How does it feel to be the only one in the Marvel universe? What type of sword did you use to kill Wolverine? What's you're real name? Do you have any family? And where did you get that costume?"
The real person I would invite would be Arnold Schwarzenegger!!!!!!!!!!!! The reason I chose Arnold is because I have seen the first four movies and I really like them. And he won the Mr. Universe award a few times. Mr. Universe is a title that you can win for being the best body builder in the world. But the biggest reason why I would invite Arnold Schwarzenegger is because of the questions I would like to ask him. Some of the questions I would like to ask him are, "How does it feel to act in so many movies? How does it feel to win the Mr. Universe award? Do you find acting fun? How long have you been acting for? Would you rather have any other job? And which Terminator movie do you like the best?"

Well that's all I got for now, see ya!!!!!!!!!! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

I TOLD YOU I'D BE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Today is week 2 of term 3 and I'm going to tell you about a happy memory about one of my grandparents.

I have three grandparents, two grandmas and one grandpa. Both my grandparents on my dads side are alive, but only my grandma is alive on my mums side. I don't have any memories of my grandpa on my mums side because he died before I was born. I think about six years ago my parents and I went to Sri Lanka for Christmas. Sri Lanka is where my grandparents on my dads side live, (my grandma lives with us in Wellington) so we met up with them and went to dinner. The most memorable thing about the dinner was when we started to eat. It wasn't a conversation we had, it was the people singing carols. They sounded like three random instruments stuffed inside each other and played at the same time, and that's taking it lightly. After they finally stopped singing my granddad started clapping. I asked him "Why are you clapping, they sounded horrible?" I said quietly.
"I'm not clapping cause they're good, I'm clapping cause they're leaving" My granddad said.

Well that's all I got for now, see ya later.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Hello Today is week one of term three and I am going to tell you about my holidays!!!!!!!!

Image result for bob stuart kevinThe first thing I did in my holidays was pick up some Sri Lankans' from the airport, who were going to stay at our house for a pretty long time. In fact they are still here to this day. The next day we went to the park next to our house to play some cricket. We didn't actually play a real game, we just had the father of the people who came to throw balls at us to hit. The age of the children who came were four and nine. The next thing I did was go see the Minions movie with Haveesha and Kashapa. It was a alright movie. I think I liked this movie more than the Despicable movies because it's about the Minions. The main characters of the Minions are Bob, Steve, and Stuart. The movie was based in the 70s or 80s and the minions were trying to find a evil leader. So they sent their bravest soldiers, Bob, Stuart, and Kevin. I don't really want to say anything else because I might spoil the movie. And that's pretty much all I did in the holidays not including me staying home doing nothing. 

Well that's all for now and (look at the thing below)

Monday, June 22, 2015

SPORTS STUFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is week ten and I'm going to tell you about what we have been doing in Nairnville.

I have been finding Nairnville sessions pretty fun especially the ripper rugby and soccer sessions. I didn't like the gymnastics though. I enjoyed ripper rugby the most because I like rugby. Some skills I have learned are moving into space when playing rugby and passing with the side of my foot instead of with the front in soccer. I don't think I have been pushing myself because none of the session were really hard. I could talk less and listen more to get more out of the sessions. I would suggest playing badminton because it is fun :)   .

That's all I got for now BYE!!!!! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

GERMAN STUFF HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HALLO, Tag, Guten Tag

I'm going to tell you about me learning about Deutsch which is the language German people speak. We learn Deutsch through watching a video that contains people speaking Deutsch.

What are some things I have learned

There are lots of different things I have learned like positive words, negative words, greetings, farewells, days of the week, titles, countries, how to say 'the' to different genders, what is your name and numbers.

Will I continue German in Collage

I probably won't learn German in collage because I want to learn Spanish because that is the second most spoken language in the world.

How will learning Deutsch be useful in my life 

It could be useful if the soccer world cup is held in Germany and I go there.

That's all I got for now seeeya!!!!!!! 


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

EPIC values!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is week eight and I'm going to tell you about our EPIC values. EPIC stands for Empathy, Perseverance, Integrity and Creativity.

I think Empathy is the easiest because you have to understand someone instead of trying to get through something thats hard,think of some thing new and cool or being completely honest a lot of the time. The most challenging school value for me I think is perseverance because most of the time it is difficult to get through something that is hard. The value I showed this week was perseverance. I showed perseverance by helping carry Haveesha to the first aid room when he hurt his leg and couldn't walk.

Thats all I got for now bye!!!!

Friday, June 5, 2015

It Is week seven and I'm going to talk about a book I have read recently and have enjoyed. The name of the book is Artemis Fowl and the book was written by Eoin Colfer.

The plot is about a twelve year old boy called Artemis Fowl that is extremely smart and has lost his father and lots of their money. Then he discovers that there are magical creatures like fairies and goblins and then tries to steal all their gold. But the magical creatures are far more advanced than he thought.

Major Characters

Artemis Fowl II
Artemis Fowl II is the son of a irish crime lord called Artemis Fowl who was kidnapped by the Russian mafia. After a year of not being found he is thought to be dead, and because of that they lose lots of their money. Artemis is pale from being inside for so long and not seeing lots of sunlight, he has black hair and blue eyes. 

Butler is the loyal  manservant of Artemis fowl II and his bodyguard. Butler is also the third most skilled martial artist in the world (the first is a monk on a pacific island, and the second is his uncle who used to be the butler of  Artemis fowl I.

Holly Short
Holly is a elf. She is the only female captain of the LEPrecon, recon division of the LEP. LEP stands for Lower Elements Police. Holly is only three feet tall.

Foaly is a centaur computer genius. He works for LEP and is in charge of stopping humans discovering the fairy civilisation. He  designs most of the weaponry and gadgets that LEP uses. His sarcasm often annoys the LEP officers, but he mostly enjoys annoying his bad tempered commander Julius Root.

Julius Root
Root is the commander of the reconnaissance part of LEP, and because of that he has to track anyone who leaves the fairy colonisation so they don't make contact with any humans. 

Interesting quote from book
(Said by Artemis Fowl II) "Trust me. I'm a genius."   :)

What I liked about it
I liked the book because I think it had a good story line, it had magical creatures and it was funny. Those are some of the things I like of a book.

Who would I recommend this book to
I would recommend this book to someone who likes books with magical creatures because there are a lot of those in this book.

That's all I got for now bye.